About us

Clinic Yantra is a robust Clinic Management Software enables you to digitize every aspect of your clinic, designed, developed, tested & trusted by the top doctors and healthcare IT professionals of India. Our software is the one stop solution for polyclinics, diagnostics laboratories across the country. Our healthcare IT experts spend 2 decades in life science and medical solutions and inputs by the top doctors in Local Indian Market help to launch Clinic Yantra. We have the best clinic management software in India with many first-in-industry features.

Our aim is to deliver cutting edge technologies, tools and platform amongst healthcare professionals, clinic facilities and patients to improve accessibility, availability of healthcare services . Our technology-powered platform empowers health eco system with consultation, rapid diagnosis and personalized care to the patients. With us, Patients, Clinics and Doctors can stay connected always.


Clinic Yantra team has enjoyed increasing success for many years in India now, and is used by many clinics across India, but we know very well that our success can only ever be a mirror of your success. Our team is dedicated to making sure Indian Market has access to one of the most advance and AI enabled clinic management software, and your clinic, irrespective to any size, is managed in most efficient and productive way, so your patient’s care radically improves. Our standard of service is the same from a Monoclinic to a Multi Specialities clinic, and we carefully tailor all our services to suit our Doctor’s specific needs. I am very proud of my passionate expert team and extremely pleased with the accolades that we have had.

We know that our passion, experience and knowledge make the Clinic Yantra- your clinic management software of choice.

-S S Dubey

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